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Blauw kleurverloop

My Research

In today's increasingly interconnected world, computing plays a vital role, driving advancements across various domains. However, the growing demand for computing power comes at a cost, energy consumption. As computing becomes more relevant than ever, it is imperative to develop sustainable solutions. In my research, I focus on the fascinating field of neuromorphic computing, aiming to design energy-efficient devices that mimic the brain's remarkable capabilities. By taking inspiration from the brain's neural architecture and utilizing the same medium, I strive to develop innovative technologies to open a new avenue for computation. I employ tools from theoretical physics, math and neuroscience to explore new materials and physical systems, understand them and subsequently demonstrate how fascinating (neuronal) phenomena can emerge.



Fluidic iontronics offer a unique capability for emulating the chemical processes found in neurons. We extract multiple distinct chemically regulated synaptic features from a single conical microfluidic channel carrying functionalized surface groups, using finite-element calculations of continuum transport equations. Such channels have long been employed for fluidic sensing and are therefore experimentally well established. By modeling a Langmuir-type surface reaction on the channel wall we couple fast voltage-induced volumetric salt accumulation with a long-term channel surface charge modulation by means of fast charging and slow discharging. These nonlinear charging dynamics are understood through an analytic approximation rooted in first-principles. We show how short-and long-term potentiation and depression, frequency-dependent plasticity, and chemical-electrical signal coincidence detection (acting like a chemical-electrical AND logic gate), akin to the NMDA mechanism for Hebbian learning in biological synapses, can all be emulated with a single channel.

A simple mathematical theory for Simple Volatile Memristors and their spiking circuits

T.M. Kamsma, R. van Roij, and C. Spitoni

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


In pursuit of neuromorphic (brain-inspired) devices, memristors (memory-resistors) have emerged as effective components for emulating neuronal circuitry. Here we formally define a class of Simple Volatile Memristors (SVMs) based on a simple conductance equation of motion from which we build a simple mathematical theory on the dynamics of isolated SVMs and SVM-based spiking circuits. Notably, SVMs include various fluidic iontronic devices that have recently garnered significant interest due to their unique quality of operating within the same medium as the brain. Specifically we show that symmetric SVMs produce non self-crossing current-voltage hysteresis loops, while asymmetric SVMs produce self-crossing loops. Additionally, we derive a general expression for the enclosed area in a loop, providing a relation between the voltage frequency and the SVM memory timescale. These general results are shown to materialise in physical finite-element calculations of microfluidic memristors. An SVM-based circuit has been proposed that exhibits all-or-none and tonic neuronal spiking. We generalise and analyse this spiking circuit, characterising it as a two-dimensional dynamical system. Moreover, we demonstrate that stochastic effects can induce novel neuronal firing modes absent in the deterministic case. Through our analysis, the circuit dynamics are well understood, while retaining its explicit link with the physically plausible underlying system.

Advanced iontronic spiking modes with multiscale diffusive dynamics in a fluidic circuit

T.M. Kamsma, E.A. Rossing, C. Spitoni, and R. van Roij

Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2


Fluidic iontronics is emerging as a distinctive platform for implementing neuromorphic circuits, characterized by its reliance on the same aqueous medium and ionic signal carriers as the brain. Drawing upon recent theoretical advancements in both iontronic spiking circuits and in dynamic transport of aqueous electrolytes through conical ion channels, which form fluidic memristors, we expand the repertoire of proposed neuronal spiking dynamics in iontronic circuits. Through a modelled circuit containing channels that carry a bipolar surface charge, we extract phasic bursting, mixed-mode spiking, tonic bursting, and threshold variability, all with spike voltages and frequencies within the typical range for mammalian neurons. These features are possible due to the strong dependence of the typical conductance memory retention time on the channel length, enabling timescales varying from individual spikes to bursts of multiple spikes within a single circuit. These advanced forms of neuronal-like spiking support the exploration of aqueous iontronics as an interesting platform for neuromorphic circuits.

Brain-inspired computing with fluidic iontronic nanochannels

T.M. Kamsma, J. Kim, K. Kim, W.Q. Boon, C. Spitoni, J. Park, and R. van Roij

PNAS, 2024, Vol. 121, Issue 18


The brain's remarkable and efficient information processing capability is driving research into brain-inspired (neuromorphic) computing paradigms. Artificial aqueous ion channels are emerging as an exciting platform for neuromorphic computing, representing a departure from conventional solid-state devices by directly mimicking the brain's fluidic ion transport. Supported by a quantitative theoretical model, we present easy to fabricate tapered microchannels that embed a conducting network of fluidic nanochannels between a colloidal structure. Due to transient salt concentration polarisation our devices are volatile memristors (memory resistors) that are remarkably stable. The voltage-driven net salt flux and accumulation, that underpin the concentration polarisation, surprisingly combine into a diffusionlike quadratic dependence of the memory retention time on the channel length, allowing channel design for a specific timescale. We implement our device as a synaptic element for neuromorphic reservoir computing. Individual channels distinguish various time series, that together represent (handwritten) numbers, for subsequent in-silico classification with a simple readout function. Our results represent a significant step towards realising the promise of fluidic ion channels as a platform to emulate the rich aqueous dynamics of the brain.

Unveiling the capabilities of bipolar conical channels in neuromorphic iontronics

T.M. Kamsma, W.Q. Boon, C. Spitoni, and R. van Roij

Faraday Discussions, 2023, Vol. 246, Pages 125-140


Conical channels filled with an aqueous electrolyte have been proposed as promising candidates for iontronic neuromorphic circuits. This is facilitated by a novel analytical model for the internal channel dynamics [T. M. Kamsma, W. Q. Boon, T. ter Rele, C. Spitoni and R. van Roij, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2023, 130(26), 268401], the relative ease of fabrication of conical channels, and the wide range of achievable memory retention times by varying the channel lengths. In this work, we demonstrate that the analytical model for conical channels can be generalized to channels with an inhomogeneous surface charge distribution, which we predict to exhibit significantly stronger current rectification and more pronounced memristive properties in the case of bipolar channels, i.e. channels where the tip and base carry a surface charge of opposite sign. Additionally, we show that the use of bipolar conical channels in a previously proposed iontronic circuit features hallmarks of neuronal communication, such as all-or-none action potentials and spike train generation. Bipolar channels allow, however, for circuit parameters in the range of their biological analogues, and exhibit membrane potentials that match well with biological mammalian action potentials, further supporting their potential biocompatibility.

Iontronic neuromorphic signalling with conical microfluidic memristors

T.M. Kamsma, W.Q. Boon, T. ter. Rele, C. Spitoni, and R. van Roij

Physical Review Letters, 2023, Vol. 130, Issue 26


Experiments have shown that the conductance of conical channels, filled with an aqueous electrolyte, can strongly depend on the history of the applied voltage. These channels hence have a memory and are promising elements in brain-inspired (iontronic) circuits. We show here that the memory of such channels stems from transient concentration polarization over the ionic diffusion time. We derive an analytic approximation for these dynamics which shows good agreement with full finite-element calculations. Using our analytic approximation, we propose an experimentally realisable Hodgkin-Huxley iontronic circuit where micrometer cones take on the role of sodium and potassium channels. Our proposed circuit exhibits key features of neuronal communication such as all-or-none action potentials upon a pulse stimulus and a spike train upon a sustained stimulus.

Co-author publications

New Insights into the Mechanism of Electrochemical CO2 Capture by Supercapacitive Swing Adsorption

G. Mapstone, T.M. Kamsma, Z. Xu, P.K. Jones, A.A. Lee, I. Temprano, J. Lee, M. de Volder, and A.C. Forse

ACS Nano


Carbon dioxide capture underpins an important range of technologies that can help to mitigate climate change. Improved carbon capture technologies that are driven by electrochemistry are under active development, and it was recently found that supercapacitor energy storage devices can reversibly capture and release carbon dioxide. So-called supercapacitive swing adsorption (SSA) has several advantages over traditional carbon dioxide capture technologies such as lower energy consumption and the use of nontoxic materials. However, the mechanism for the capture of CO2 in these devices is poorly understood, making it challenging to design improved systems. Here, the mechanism of SSA is investigated via finite-element modeling with COMSOL of aqueous continuum transport equations, coupled to the CO2 to bicarbonate reaction. This simple computational model reproduces the key experimental observations and shows that charging leads to bicarbonate depletion (or accumulation) in the electrodes, driving CO2 capture (or release) at the gas-exposed electrode. This suggests that relevant aspects of the mechanism are captured without excluding other mechanisms that might be at play in parallel as well. At very low charging currents, both experiments and modeling reveal a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide captured, suggesting the presence of competing processes at the two electrodes, and that SSA is an inherently kinetic phenomenon. This study highlights the importance of the operating conditions of these devices and may aid their development in the future.

Pressure-gated microfluidic memristor for pulsatile information processing

A. Barnaveli, T.M. Kamsma, W.Q. Boon, and R. van Roij

Physical Review Applied


A hitherto unexploited characteristic feature of emerging iontronic devices for information processing is the intrinsic mobility of the medium (water) of dissolved ions in aqueous electrolytes, which therefore respond not only to voltage but also to pressure. Here we study a microfluidic memristor, in the form of a conical channel, exposed to simultaneously applied time-dependent voltage and pressure drops, through numerical solutions of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Stokes equations for ion and fluid transport. We show that the channel’s memristive properties can be enhanced, reduced, or instantaneously reset by appropriate pressure, and we leverage this finding with two examples of time series processing of simultaneously applied voltage and pressure pulses. We show not only that the distinction between different voltage time series can be improved by enhancing the conductance response with corresponding pressure pulses, but also that the bandwidth of information transfer through the channel can be doubled by letting the pressure pulses represent a second independent time series.

Contact Information

Institute for Theoretical Physics

Utrecht University

Buys Ballot building, Room 7.04

Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC


The Netherlands

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